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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Offline Edition

With our Offline Edition,you can work on your key deals anywhere, anytime. Offline Edition uses the same browser-based interface as the online system. Use your Pocket PC or Palm OS 5.0 or later mobile device to view, edit, create, and delete organizations, contacts, opportunities, appointments and tasks with Offline Edition. You can easily update the online system with your change: save your changes to the data file in offline edition and then upload this file to the online system.

Getting Started

1, Installing JDK
Our Offline Edition works on Java Standard Edition (J2SE) platform. You need to install a Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version of at least 1.4, before you can use our Offline Edition. You can download or get a newer version of JDK from Sun site,

If you have installed a newer version of JDK, skip this step. In our exmaple we install the JDK to E:\j2sdk1.4.2_04.

2, Downloading Offline Client
To download the Offline Edition client,
A, Go to Account -> Setup -> Offline Edition -> Offline Client Download, click on CRM Offline Client Download. Our Offline Edition client is a zip file named “OfflineClient200606”. You can save this file anywhere you need. In our example, we save it to E:\ with name “”.

3, Downloading Offline Data
To download the Offline Data file,
A, Go to Account -> Setup -> Offline Edition -> Offline Data Download.
B, Type a password for your data. Please keep it, because you need to enter this password when you import your data to the Offline Client.
C, Specify a list view that is used in the Offline Edition for each item. Please notice that, you can only view/edit the records in the list view you specified here in the Offline Edition.
D, Click Submite to start exporting data.
A reminder message displays on the left corner of the screen telling you the process of the data export. You can save the data file anywhere you need when the export is finished. In our exmaple, we save it to E:\.

Running Offline Edition
Run the Offline client by the following steps:
1, Configure the Web Server for our Offline Edition:
* Extract the Offline Client zip file to anywhere you need. (In our example, we extract it to E:\OfflineClient.).
* Copy a file named "tools.jar" from E:\j2sdk1.4.2_04\lib (the location where you installed your JDK) and paste to E:\OfflineClient\ext (the location you save your Offline Client extracted file).
2. Start the Web Server: Double click on the "start.bat" file under E:\OfflineClient.
3. Run the Offline Client:
* Open you web browser, type the following address Http://localhost/, click Enter
* Click Browse to locate the Offline Data file.
* Enter the password that you specified for the file before the data download.
* Click login
Then you will see the Organization Summary page that displays the view list you specified for organization before data export.

Working with Offline Edition
Offline Edition uses the same user interface as the online application. Using Offline Edition is nearly identical to using the online version. You can view, edit, create, and delete organizations, contacts, opportunities, appointments and tasks with Offline Edition. You can easily update the online system with your change: save your changes to the data file in offline edition and then upload this file to the online system.

Please click on the Save link in the upper right of the screen to the save new and modified offline records to the data file when you complete all the actions with the Offline Edition to ensure that you have the most current data in the file.

Updating Online Edition Data
This part is coming soon.

For more information about this feature, please see below flash tutorial.




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